
Album Review- Gone Savage- Past Life

Gone Savage are an originals rock act from Manchester, England founded by ex-members of Sweet Sin, Dare and Sam Thunder. 'Past Life' will be the band's debut LP with a yet unconfirmed release date, expected sometime in 2022.

The band blend a 1980s radio-friendly sound with a hard rock 90's edge. Gone Savage are bassist Ian Salpekar and lead vocalist Will Glover with a history of guest musicians. Ian Salpekar helped engineer the release with David Radahd- Jones helping mix and produce at Red City Recordings studio in Manchester. Peter Maher mastered the album at Top Floor Productions in London.

The twelve-track LP begins with 'Regression', an intro that mixes cuts of tracks with a static sound. 'Icon of Today' kicks things off with a heavy chugging guitar sound and Glover's sweet melodic vocals.
Next up is the catchy 'Irresistible', a heavy blast of dynamic guitar parts that are fast and ferocious accompanied by a chorus that climbs through your ear lobes like a trusted earworm.

The duo has worked hard to create an album that is as close to their influences as Dokken, Ratt and Queensryche with sharp guitar riffs, saccharine vocals and songwriting that is designed to please the listener with easy to listen songs. 

'Permanent State of Change' shows the band can play tracks with a heavy edge with pummeling drums and strong guitar beats and singalong choruses. 'Bulletproof'' is a more progressive track with an aggressive guitar sound. The album takes the listener through a range of musical styles including a ballad in ' Life Incendiary', the anthemic 'Louder Than the Sun' and the latest single 'Life in Black and White' The album completes its journey with the guitar-driven metal of 'Powerless' and ' Touch Your God', which sounds like a farewell.

Overall, Gone Savage has written an album that highlights their penchant for a good, solid rock release full of energy and heart. 

Words by Anselm Anderson. 
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'Life in Black and White'


  1. Thank you so much for the fabulous review Anselm!


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