
ARTIST OF THE WEEK- Miss Velvet and The Blue Wolf - Super Bon Bon

Miss Velvet and The Blue Wolf are a Funk/soul combo that hails from New York. They are led by the charismatic vocals of Miss Velvet, who is joined by Producer Constance Hauman on Keyboards, Nick Carbone on Drums,  Henry Ott on Guitars, Trevor Neuman on Trumpet, and Trombonists Dan Levine and TJ Robinson.

The bland is an eclectic variation of rock, soul, jazz, and funk that counts 70's funk pioneers Parliament/ Funkadelic, as influencers, whom they have spent the past two years touring with.  The band recently released " Feed The Wolf, A follow-up to the debut album " Bad Get Some". An album that notably features George Clinton of the aforementioned funksters. This release was recorded in Ireland and was published via Isotopia Records.

This review will be looking at the latest single to come from that album " Super Bon Bon", which displays the incendiary delivery of Miss Velvet alongside her fiery blues/jazz band combo The Blue Wolf.

The opening bass lines whet  the listener's appettite with it's silkiness to pave the way for the introduction of Miss Velvet's lung inducing growls, which share an uncanny resemblance to the late Janis Joplin. This is helped by her back up band 's tight musicianship that interlopes between intervals to emphasise her strengths. The mid tempo is an advantage as it gives the saxophones and trumpet more freedom to join in on the interlude, as Miss Velvet explodes on the chorus. The basslines and drumbeats always remain tender homophony to the  soulful melodies on the verses.

" Feed The Wolf" is available now via all good  music platforms.

If you want to learn more about the band, please follow them via these social media accounts;

You can hear a sample below,



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