

Blame The Sacred was formed in late 2017 by Danny Porter, Guitarist Andy Wordsworth and, Drummer Scott Emery, adding bassist Wez Gill, and fellow Guitarist Kris Rayner last year.

The quintet, hailing from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, combines a modern metal sound with thunderous drums, powerful vocals, and bombastic guitar lines to create a cutting edge appeal to new metal fans. The band released their debut EP Life Or Death in the summer of 2018, with the lead single, Edge Of Tomorrow (click on the link here to listen) attracting airplay on BBC Radio and Planet Rock, further enhancing a solid fan-base with numerous appearances at major festivals, as well as performing alongside Blackwater Conspiracy Yesterday's Gone & DeadBlondeStars. THE PATH is due for release on March 27 via Forge AMP.
The opening Intro segues into I WALK ALONE, a pulsating track, suitably accomplished by a groove- orientated riff serves as notice for Danny Porter's commanding vocals. Porter sings with intense passion it is difficult not to connect with his emotions. Wordsworth's guitar sound has a rich and crispy timber that reverberates with eerie instrumental breakdowns. A good opening track suitable for a more mainstream audience.

HOME delivers another powerful message about Loneliness. The listener can hear this etched in Porter's voice throughout, which commands above punchy instrumental breakdowns, The guitar parts are intense and fluid, trading off with the more emotional voice. Here, the band appear to become on their own with some interesting ideas.

SIX SHOTS OF HATE is one of the fierier tracks to close the album. Scott Emery's tenacious drum fills, add extra ferocity to a song about betrayal. the dual guitar parts intensify the lyrics with a menacing vibe that fits in nicely with the adaptive vocals, which increase in depth and range that transition into an instrumental prelude entitled Statim Finnis, which could be a context for another song.

Overall, The Path is six songs of raw emotion, captivating vocals and intense riffage that would please any casual fan of the genre.
You can follow the band via these links to learn more about new music and concerts;

'Edge of Tomorrow'


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