
Album Of the Week- Ophelia's Eye- Hopeless World


Swiss modern metal heavyweights Ophelia's Eye has returned with the mini-album Hopeless World, a follow up to last year's widely received three-track EP Fight for Us.

I reviewed the EP for these pages last year and remember being impressed with their energy, harsh vocals, and stellar guitar play so was excited to see they have this new album out. I felt like the band could go on to massive things.  (You can find a link to the review below). The five-piece has earned rave reviews from reputable magazines such as The Razor's Edge and Moshville Times. 'Hopeless World' brings the same rage, intensity, and thunderous riffs as 'Fight for Us' with three extra tracks added. The LP touches on similar social and personal issues as the last Ep with topics ranging from suicide to divisiveness to greed and envy.

The LP picks up with the soaring double harmonies of ' My Honor' from Rhythm guitarist Corinne Ryter and lead guitarist Remo Lemp. The duo has great chemistry as they trade riffs with one another with their timing and dexterity. Lead vocalist Michel Egloff Sieber returns with death growls that have added poignancy to the last time out.

Next up is the melodic metal of 'Fuck My Trust'. The song opens with extensive guitar melodies that pick up in intensity to unleash aggressive vocals and finger-splitting drum blasts. The band have matured in sound with melancholic passages spliced with intense songs of real emotion and pain experienced throughout this release. 

An example can be heard in the seven-minute title track 'Hopeless World' with progressive elements that bestow the true technical prowess of Ryter, Lemp, and bassist Sandro Suter. The band write structured riffs, rich in tone and emotion, as well as songs that appeal to the hardcore headbangers in attendance. The maniacal cries of 'Human Abyss' are next up with another raging slab of hollow death howls, blistering riffs and intensified drumming that sounds like a band on edge. Other highlights match that raw power is on display in the adrenaline-fuelled 'I'm Explosive', a song that ups the tempo to breakneck speed. And finally, 'Pain and Sorrow' completes the album with a slice of modern metal mixed with catchy guitar leads and harsh vocals.

Overall, Ophelia's Eye tops the last release with the decibel levels turning up to ten. The band know how to structure songs around their emotions to bring the best out of themselves.

Rating 4/5

Words by Anselm Anderson

For further reading on Ophelia's Eye, Check out this review of their EP, 'Fight for Us' HERE

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Click below to listen to 'Hopeless World'



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