
SINGLE OF THE DAY Tarah Who? - Pantomath

Tarah Who? is a French duo, Vocalist/Guitarist Tara. G. Carpenter and drummer Coralie Herve. The two ladies play an energetic brand of raw punk and rock n roll to relay important messages to the listeners. Pantomath is the LA-based duo's latest single, due to be released on 20th May 2020. The single is taken from the latest EP 64 Women.

Carpenter formed the band as a drummer at the age of 14, originally as a solo project. She soon switched to singing and playing the guitar, before she embarked on a move to LA. It is here she formed the band as a duo. TarahWho? has released 3 EP's and received critical acclaim from notable publications. Pantomath is a dose of explosive, in-your-face punk. The incendiary opening blast of three chords of distorted guitar combines Carpenter's no-nonsense vocals to express rage and emotion feels like a band that means business. Herve's drumming is tight and acts as a well-timed Oil machine that drills through every chord struck by Carpenter's intense playing. The straight-up, ballsy rock pulls no punches with its message.

Carpenter explains how a conversation with a disgruntled musician motivated the song ". I wrote this song after a conversation, I was having with another musician who had the constant speech of a "know it all". He was criticizing every musician and their decisions and I was telling him in short that, "thankfully we do not all want the same kind of success." She continued, "then later in the conversation, now talking about success, I was telling him, " there is not one formula to success, otherwise it would be known and there would be no point in having a story and standing out."

Words by Anselm Anderson
You can discover further information about Tarah who? via the socials below;

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