



Words by Anselm Anderson

The Rambling Man continues the coverage of excellent upcoming bands from Britain. Today I look at 'Elysium', the new EP from Heavyweights Enquire Within.

The Londoners arrive with the follow-up to 2021's LP Rebirth. I admit that I have yet to hear their previous works but was enticed by the names of their influences. The band combines the guttural screams of Lamb of God with the melodic tenacity of Machine Head and the lyrical wisdom of Trivium to unleash a hell-raising slab of breakneck metal on this seven-tracker.

The band was formed in 2016 by school friends lead guitarist Dan Lewin and drummer Henry Waller. The latter's brother, Jacob, soon joined them on vocals and released 2020's debut Bloodlines and 2021's Rebirth. Enquire Within may sound like a job advertisement but they have gone all out on this release. They blend all the deft riffs of those bands mentioned above with the aggression of bands like Kreator to produce a cutting-edge metal album for the ages. Dan Lucas is the man behind the mixing desk to record this EP. He brings a raw and tenacious energy that really shows upon listening to the first few chords.


The dark and gothic intro starts ominously, leading into the single 'Seeds of Destruction'. which features Acid Reign vocalist Howard H Smith. Smith's hollow screams and intense vocals merge with mesmerising melodic guitar lines that create a chaotic finish. These razor riffs blend and interweave with the vocal lines and timely drum fills to create an eerie atmosphere in the music. Next up is the punishing thrash metal track 'Sins of  The Father'. The song combines death metal dirges with Bay Area thrash riffs, interweaving battles between angelic vocal melodies and demonic harsh vocals. 

Nevertheless, the EP's multilayered vocals, alternating between harsh and harmonic tones, do justice to the album. They effectively convey the lyrical themes of religion and social justice, making it a surprising metal hit of 2024. The dual guitars mix pulsating metal beats with marching rhythms and deathly breakdowns, adding to the eeriness and intensity of this release. ''Prison' is a great example of this. The raw meaning behind the vocals reminds me of Slipknot if they weren't a nu-metal band. The thrilling guitar solos and thunderous drums create a seismic experience, making it a concert favourite for moshpit enthusiasts. The stirring "Final Seal" is a powerful metal anthem, featuring a colossal chorus and galloping rhythms reminiscent of ferocious war dogs. making it a concert favourite for moshpit enthusiasts.  The harrowing ' Point of No Return' and the six-minute 'Bloodlines' complete this release with tormented screams, distorted riffs and a strong reminder metal is not dead.

RATING: 4.5/5


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